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Hudson Valley Seed Co.

Phoenix Nasturtium

Tropaeolum minus

Conventionally Grown

Ivy-leaved nasturtiums with serrated petals.

An unusual, ivy-leaved nasturtium reminiscent of a once-popular variety that fell out of circulation early last century. The serrated petals look just like flames!

According to legend, a phoenix bird lives for 500 years before it bursts into flame only to be born anew from its own ashes. Sometimes, like the phoenix, a crop variety will disappear from seed catalogs and then just as suddenly reappear thanks to the work of seed savers who protect plant diversity despite the whims and dictates of fashion.

Seed catalogs in the 1800s sold a nasturtium with ivy-shaped leaves and serrated petals in fiery colors. Out of circulation for nearly a century, it has returned to us in all its flaming glory through the genes found in Phoenix Nasturtium.

Makes an exceptional container plant. The leaves and flowers are edible! Use them in salads and other culinary delights for a bright and peppery pop of flavor. Grows 10-12" high with a cascading, creeping habit.

Unit Price Quantity Availability
25 seeds | Art Pack $4.99
In Stock

Price as selected: $0.00

Growing instructions
Direct sow after danger of frost has passed, spacing them closer together for a ground cover, or further apart if planting them among other annuals. Can also be sown in containers at indicated spacing. Plants are low lying, but spread wide, covering about 2 feet. All parts of the plant are edible and peppery: leaves, flowers and immature seeds. Use flowers immediately after harvest.
Product Details
Days to Maturity 60 days
Days to Germination 5-14 days
Width at Maturity 12"
Height at Maturiry 12-14"
Hardiness Zone Range Annual
Sun Conditions Partial Sun (4-6 hours Sun)Full Sun (8+ Hours Sun)
Planting Depth 3/4"
Row Spacing 18"
Plant Spacing 18"
About the artist

Printmaker and muralist Roger Peet is co-founder of the Justseeds Artists Cooperative and helps run a print studio in Portland. His work is both socially, and environmentally engaged and often illuminates issues related to biodiversity.

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    Phoenix Nasturtium vendor-unknown
    Phoenix Nasturtium vendor-unknown

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