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Pole Beans

Pole Beans

Grow your own protein! Vegetarian and omnivore gardeners alike benefit from beans in the garden. Not only do they produce yummy pods - snap beans, and the perfect storage crop - shelling beans (which you can plant again next spring!), they also fix nitrogen levels in the soil, creating a more fertile garden for all diets.

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items

Northeaster Pole Bean

Certified Organic

Early maturing and succulent fresh or dry.


Red Noodle Pole Bean

Certified Organic

Prolific long red beans make the best stir fry.


Scarlet Emperor Runner Bean

The perfect choice for your vertical garden.

from $3.99

Sunset Runner Bean

Create some shade with these peach-bloomed vines.

from $3.99

Out of Stock
Emerite Pole Bean vendor-unknown Emerite Pole Bean vendor-unknown

Emerite Pole Bean

Certified Organic

Classic filet pole bean with excellent flavor and texture.

from $3.99

Out of Stock
Ideal Market Green Bean vendor-unknown Ideal Market Green Bean vendor-unknown

Ideal Market Pole Green Bean

Certified Organic

Terrific producer of fleshy beans of standard size.

from $3.99