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Hudson Valley Seed Co.

Multi-Hued Yarrow Mix Seedlings

Achillea millefolium

Certified Organic

A mix of golden, white, and coral wildflowers.

Sometimes our wildflowers have more to offer than we know. Yarrow grows in our meadow, which we keep natural rather than cultivated. Because our small farm is surrounded by natural habitat, we are learning to selectively harvest plants that nature grows for us. In addition to being food and habitat for native insects, yarrow makes beautiful and long-lasting cut flowers and has medicinal uses. 

The scientific name of this variety summons up images of Achilles, the mythological warrior who was invulnerable save for one small spot on his heel. From our perspective, yarrow has no weak points: it is a semi-wild plant that is easy to establish, a perennial that comes back reliably every year, a stand-out flower that looks replete and vivid with little fuss. Its connection to Achilles is more related to its herbal uses—of which there are many—in particular its role in poultices and preparations meant to speed the healing of wounds. While it may not have saved Achilles from that final well-aimed arrow, it never hurts to have plant allies around to keep us healthy.

This pack contains a mix of varieties, including golden, white, and coral blooms.

Unit Price Quantity Availability
4-pack of seedlings $5.99
Available for pickup only (May 1st - May 12th)

Price as selected: $0.00

Growing instructions
Perennial. Start indoors just before last frost. Rough up the surface of the seed starting mix, then sprinkle 2-3 seeds per pot. Spray with water to avoid dislodging seeds, and keep moist until seeds germinate in 10-14 days. Transplant when seedlings are 2-3" across. Tolerates moderate soil and infrequent watering. Grows up to 30" tall. Usually doesn't bloom until second season.
Product Details
Days to Maturity 120 days365 days400 days
Hardiness Zone Range 3456789
Sun Conditions Full Sun (8+ Hours Sun)
Row Spacing 12"
Plant Spacing 12"
Special shipping

Seedlings are available for in-store pickup ONLY. May 1st through May 12th at our greenhouses in Accord, NY.

About the artist
Madison Safer's work is often centered around themes of nostalgia, home, and the warmth of a fireplace on a cold winter day. In her illustration for Multi-Hued Yarrow, she highlights the use of yarrow for medicinal purposes and as a symbol of committed romantic love.

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