Even though cucumbers might be the most quintessential garden crop, they still afford plenty to get excited about. Our collection of cukes ranges from green to white, from serpentine to spherical, from salads to pickles and every stop in between. Whichever variety you choose, don't let the opportunity pass you by to take a thirst-quenching bite straight out of the garden on a hot midsummer day. Cucumbers prefer full sun and well-draining soil, and they can be either direct sown or transplanted successively throughout the season. The rangy vining plants can also be trellised.


Showing 1 to 14 of 14 items

Boothby's Blonde Cucumber

Certified Organic

A sweet, crunchy family heirloom from Maine.


Homemade Pickles Cucumber

Certified Organic

Small- to medium-sized cukes that are perfect for the pickle crock.

from $3.99

Lemon Cucumber

Certified Organic

Looks like a lemon but tastes like a cucumber.

from $3.99

Marketmore 76 Cucumber

Certified Organic

A classic slicer, high-yielding and crisp.

from $3.39

Mexican Sour Gherkin

Certified Organic

Tiny fruits with cucumber flavor that pop at each bite.

from $3.49

Muncher Cucumber

Certified Organic

What's a burpless cucumber?

from $3.49

National Pickling Cucumber

Certified Organic

A great little cuke loved across the country.

from $3.39

Painted Serpent Cucumber

Certified Organic

AKA Armenian Cucumber. Heat-tolerant, bitterness free.

from $3.39

Silver Slicer Cucumber

Certified Organic

Slender pale-white slicing cucumber.

from $3.99

Tokiwa Cucumber

Certified Organic

Firm and sweet cucumbers with good uniformity.

from $3.99

Out of Stock
Double Yield Cucumber vendor-unknown Double Yield Cucumber vendor-unknown

Double Yield Cucumber

Certified Organic

This high-yielding cuke does double duty.

from $3.99

Out of Stock
Tokiwa Cucumber Seedlings Tokiwa Cucumber Seedlings

Tokiwa Cucumber Seedlings

Certified Organic 4-pack of seedlings

Firm and sweet cucumbers with good uniformity.


Out of Stock
Ukrainian Slicing Cucumber Ukrainian Slicing Cucumber

Ukrainian Slicing Cucumber

Certified Organic

No bitterness, even after a heatwave.

from $3.49

Out of Stock
Yamato Sanjaku Cucumber Yamato Sanjaku Cucumber

Yamato Sanjaku Cucumber

Certified Organic

Abundant, tasty Japanese variety--Sanjaku means 3 feet!

from $3.49