Broken Colors Four O' Clocks

Mirabilis jalapa

Fragrant, cheerful blooms in bright colors.

 A beautiful, bushy, heirloom ornamental that bears delicately scented blooms in the cool of morning and late afternoon, hence the name. The petunia-like, trumpet-shaped flowers come in shades of pink, red, yellow and white, most with eye-catching streaks of contrasting colors. Forms an attractive bushy mound shape and makes an excellent bedding plant. Very easy to grow, and blooms consistently over a long period.

from $3.99

100 Seeds $3.99 In Stock
300 Seeds $6.99 In Stock
900 Seeds $11.49 In Stock

Price as selected:

Direct sow 6" apart into average soil after all danger of frost has passed, or start indoors 4 weeks before and transplant after all danger of frost has passed.

Days to Germination 10-12
Days to Maturity 70
Planting Depth 1/2"
Spacing in Row 12"
Spacing Between Rows 18"
Height at Maturity 36"
Width at Maturity 18"
Sun Preference Full Sun

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