Striped German Tomato

Certified Organic

Solanum lycopersicum

A classic for good reason: One of the best tasting tomatoes.

If you look closely enough at this complex-flavored tomato, you can sort of make out parts of the German flag--stripes of red and yellow decorate the tomato much like the stripes of red and gold (plus black) decorate the flag. While this might be a bit of a stretch, it's not a stretch to say that this beefsteak tomato is smooth and flavored with complex, fruity notes. And pay attention when you slice up this beauty! The marbled interior is a sight to see (and then eat, of course).

from $3.99

25 seeds $3.99 In Stock
75 seeds $6.99 In Stock
225 seeds $11.49 In Stock

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Sow anytime from early to late spring about 1/4" deep in soil blocks or pots. Do not overwater. Tomatoes can be transplanted out around date of last frost. Protect with row cover. Will benefit from staking but needn't be pruned.

Days to Germination 3 to 10 days
Days to Maturity 80 days from transplant
Planting Depth ¼ inch
Spacing in Row 18 to 24 inches
Spacing Between Rows 36 inches
Height at Maturity 72 inches
Sun Preference Full Sun
Growth Habit Indeterminate

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