Balloon Vine

Certified Organic

Cardiospermum halicacabum

Bright green balloons hide heart-emblazoned seeds!

You'll fall in love with this tall, climbing vine–with its bright green puffs and heart-emblazoned seeds! A vigorous grower, Balloon vine belongs to the soapberry family and can reach 10' tall in full sun. The three-chambered, lantern-shaped pods produce matte-black seeds, each imprinted with their own white heart: pure poetry in plant form!

Cardiospermum halicacabum (Cardio = heart, sperma = seed) is variously known as Balloon Vine, Love-in-a-Puff, and Heart Seed. Perfect for a romantic bower or privacy screen, the tiny white flowers attract pollinators and the foliage grows densely enough to provide shade. Grow this vine and it will love you right back. After all, who says plants can't show affection to their caregivers?

This product was grown and processed on our own certified organic farm, Four Fold Farm, in the Hudson Valley of New York State.


Art Pack / Organic / 20 seeds $4.49 In Stock

Price as selected:

Direct sow after frost, or start indoors a few weeks earlier. Vines can grow to 8-10'–trellising required. Balloon Vine enjoys sun and rich, moist soil. May self-sow in the Northeast; not recommended for warmer areas.

Days to Germination 14-21
Days to Maturity 98
Planting Depth ½"
Spacing in Row 12"
Spacing Between Rows 18-24"
Height at Maturity 8-10'
Width at Maturity 18"

Artwork by Cal Patch. Her handmade apron is decorated with cross-stitched lettering and embroidered pods. It allows those who wear it to keep seeds close their hearts in the garden, in the studio, and in the kitchen.

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