Oka Hijiki Mustard

Salsola komarovi

A delicious staple of traditional Japanese cuisine.

AKA Saltwort. This cool season annual is native to Japan’s salt marshes, but will thrive in a variety of soils. Traditionally used in side dishes and salads, it is mainly eaten fresh or lightly steamed. It can also be dried and rehydrated later. A member of the Amaranthaceae family, the appearance is grass-like, but the greens have a tasty, tart, and salty flavor with an underlying nuttiness. This plant does best in mild temperatures; sow in early spring or late summer.

from $3.99

200 Seeds $3.99 In Stock
600 Seeds $7.99 In Stock

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Direct sow between last frost date and early fall. Sow seeds liberally, lightly cover with soil and keep moist. Prefers cooler weather and can become tough and prickly in midsummer heat; succession sow for the best continuous harvest. Harvest the young leaves often for fresh use, or eat them lightly steamed.

Days to Germination 7-14
Days to Maturity 35
Planting Depth 1/4"
Spacing in Row 6"
Spacing Between Rows 18"
Height at Maturity 18"
Width at Maturity 12"
Sun Preference Full to Partial Sun

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