We've recently added a selection of books to our holiday gift offerings. We are happy to be able to share these kernels of wisdom with our seedy community, to help grow better gardeners, eaters, seed savers, farmers, activists, and artists. For a cold weather read for garden dreamers, we can't think of anything better than Eliot Coleman's, The Winter Harvest Handbook.
Eliot Coleman has been farming on a rocky peninsula in northern Maine for over 40 years. Four Seasons Farm, which Coleman runs with his wife and horticulture writer Barbara Damrosch, produces market vegetables year-round. Eliot Coleman has revolutionized season extension techniques with unheated greenhouse construction, low tunnel systems, creative planting schedules, and other low to no fossil fuel methods. He is responsible for inspiring a generation of new organic growers and for giving those farmers and gardeners the confidence not to move to California. He's been a big influence on our Seed Farm from the start.
You can purchase this important cold-climate resource on our Books page.