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Hudson Valley Seed Co.

Milkweed Seedlings

Asclepias syriaca

Certified Organic

Help ease the threat placed on Monarch populations.

Monarch butterflies, with their strikingly streaked caterpillars, gold-foiled chrysalises, and tiger-striped wing patterns, are one of the most beloved of all butterflies. We humans flock to witness monarch migrations, but we are also responsible for their decline. Loss of habitat and exposure to pesticides threaten monarch populations from Canada to Mexico. Grow Milkweed, the monarch caterpillar's host plant, to create a monarch sanctuary in your own backyard. Create a companion planting of Butterfly Weed for very happy butterflies. 

Unit Price Quantity Availability
Single seedling in 4" pot $4.99
Available for pickup only (May 1st - May 12th)

Price as selected: $0.00

Product Details
Days to Maturity 80 days from transplant365 days
Height at Maturiry up to 36"
Hardiness Zone Range 34567
Sun Conditions Full Sun (8+ Hours Sun)
Row Spacing 12"
Plant Spacing 12"
Special shipping

Seedlings are available for in-store pickup ONLY. May 1st through May 12th at our greenhouses in Accord, NY.

About the artist
Artwork by Nancy Blum. Nancy's intricately-rendered botanicals reveal layers of meaning about the power of plants. Composed of ink, gouache, and colored pencil, Nancy's ghostly monarch alludes to what we stand to lose without this habitat plant. 

    Milkweed Seedlings
    Milkweed Seedlings
    Milkweed Seedlings
    Milkweed Seedlings
    Milkweed Seedlings
    Milkweed Seedlings
    Milkweed Seedlings
    Milkweed Seedlings

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