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Hudson Valley Seed Co.

Parisian Carrot

Daucus carota

Certified Organic

Exceptional eating quality; ideal for container culture.

Small, round carrots the size and shape of young turnips--but with full, sweet carrot crunch and flavor. These are the absolute best variety for container gardens or spots with rocky or heavy soil.

Unit Price Quantity Availability
1/2 Ounce $9.49
In Stock
500 Seeds $4.29
In Stock
1500 Seeds $7.29
In Stock

Price as selected: $0.00

Growing instructions
Direct sow from mid-April until early August in friable, fertile, deeply worked soil. Choose your least weedy soil for carrots, as they are tricky to cultivate when young; carrots can take 10 days to germinate, and can be quickly choked about by weeds. Thin young carrots seedlings to 2" apart, then thin baby carrots by pulling out every other carrot, allowing the remaining carrots to grow to full size.

While good carrots can be grown in any soil, they only grow to supermarket size in loose and deep soils without too many rocks. (Even if strangely shaped or undersized, their flavor and crunch is superior to store-bought.) Fall carrots can be stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator or in a root cellar for months. Do not store fresh carrots with the tops on, they draw water and nutrients from the roots. Rather, remove the tops after harvesting and use to flavor soup stock.
Product Details
Days to Maturity 55 days
Days to Germination 10 to 14 days
Width at Maturity 2 inches
Height at Maturiry 4 to 8 inches
Sun Conditions Partial Sun (4-6 hours Sun)Full Sun (8+ Hours Sun)
Planting Depth _ inch
Row Spacing 12 inches
Plant Spacing 2 inches

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