Cottage Garden

Known for their peace and tranquility, cottage gardens combine informal clusters of flowers and herbs, trellised vines, and gorgeous container plantings. Pots overflowing with Nasturtium, an arbor covered in Balloon Vine–the landscape has a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Footpaths and borders are soft and curving, where you are likely pass by Linaria, Foxglove, Sweet William, and Blazing Star. Here, the butterflies, hummingbirds, and beneficial insects will find plenty to forage and explore. Browse this collection to start designing your own cottage garden at home.

Showing 25 to 48 of 97 items

Snapdragon Mix

Certified Organic

A pastel spectrum perfect for bouquets.

from $3.49


Mint that manifests in an array of slightly different forms.


Pumila Mix Zinnia

Perfect & compact double blooms make great cut flowers.

from $3.49

Campfire Rudbeckia

Certified Organic

Vigorous bright-ember blooms. 

from $3.49


Unusual flower perfect for drying.


Out of Stock
Double Click Cosmos Double Click Cosmos vendor-unknown

Double Click Cosmos

Certified Organic

What our (cut) flower dreams are made of!

from $3.99

Thai Basil

Certified Organic

Sweet anise flavor compliments stir fries and curries.

from $3.99

Blazing Star

Showy spikes of bright magenta blooms bring in the pollinators.

from $3.49

Flashback Calendula Mix

Certified Organic

Contemporary heirlooms.


Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

A classic flower of late summer, in a celestial blue tone.

from $3.39

Sea Shells Cosmos

Certified Organic

Double blooms in pink, cream, and white.


Meadow Arnica

Certified Organic

Cultivate a patch of this soothing medicinal herb.


Munstead Lavender Munstead Lavender

Munstead Lavender

A tough and beautiful lavender for colder climates.

from $4.39

English Thyme

Certified Organic

Charming perennial herb for the kitchen garden.

from $3.99

Love in a Mist

Certified Organic

Ethereal blooms and intriguing seed pods.


Crimson Clover Cover Crop

Fix Nitrogen and Add Beauty.

from $5.39

French Breakfast Radish

Certified Organic

Not just for dinner! Eat these tender roots any time of day.

from $3.99

Johnny Jump-Up

Brings cheer and joy as spring awakens.

from $3.39

Black Beauty Poppy

Certified Organic

Single and double blooms in deep, dark tones.


Crackerjack Mix African Marigold

Beneficial companion plant boasts large pom-pom blooms.

from $3.49

Northern Lights Linaria

Darling sprays of pastel flowers. Space close for an aura of colors.


Out of Stock
Queen Lime Blush Zinnia vendor-unknown Queen Lime Blush Zinnia vendor-unknown

Queen Lime Blush Zinnia

Bright lime green to soft pink double blooms.



Certified Organic

This will be your new favorite herb.

from $3.49

Balloon Vine

Certified Organic

Bright green balloons hide heart-emblazoned seeds!
