Fall Catalog 2024
All of the seeds and bulbs to get into the ground this fall, and the supplies to help you get it done.
A Hands-on Primer for Every Season
Certified Organic
Boasts cold tolerance and high yields.
Dense clusters of magenta spikes, nodding on tall stems.
An uncommon beauty, beloved by pollinators
A show-stopping allium that grows to spectacular heights!
Sublime spheres
Unusual wine-colored heirloom
Beloved, bobbing, blue beauties
Fuzzy pink alliums sparkle in spring, attract pollinators.
Vigorous and large, showy, white, spectacular blooms
Globe-shaped, snow-white flowerheads spanning 8".
Certified Organic
A versatile perennial herb that attracts pollinators.
Certified Organic
Delightfully puffy blooms in pink and white.
Certified Organic
Bright and potent green, delectable in the cooler months.
Let this mix set seed for the birds to eat.
Certified Organic
Single and double blooms in deep, dark tones.
Showy spikes of bright magenta blooms bring in the pollinators.
Certified Organic
Heirloom among the best winter spinach varieties.
Grows big and plentiful, a top stir-fry ingredient.
Certified Organic
Brief beauty, long-lasting health.
Certified Organic
The perfect cover crop to sow after spring plantings are done.
Certified Organic
Huge tasty leaves resist bolting.