Flowers to Sow End of March
Certified Organic
Delightfully puffy blooms in pink and white.
Perfect green bells for a bouquet.
Showy spikes of bright magenta blooms bring in the pollinators.
A vivid blue sage beloved by bumblebees.
Build a buffet for the butterflies!
Bursting with color and a delicate scent.
Certified Organic
Vigorous bright-ember blooms.
Makes an excellent bouquet filler.
Certified Organic
Aromatic flowers make soothing tea for all seasons.
Certified Organic
Pollinators adore these pretty spikes of purple blooms.
Fascinating seed pods that can be used for cutting.
Certified Organic
Bring the tropics to your yard.
Certified Organic
White blooms emit an intoxicating jasmine scent.
A butterfly magnet that stays a manageable size.
Brings cheer and joy as spring awakens.
Certified Organic
Very fragrant night-blooming annual in shades of lavender and white.
Certified Organic
Clusters of scarlet cross-shaped blooms.
Bring your garden to life with this mix of festive marigolds.
Certified Organic
A showstopping, scented flower for the garden.
Certified Organic
Pretty flowers and leaves that taste like tarragon!
Bright red-orange flowers with silver foliage.