Garden Packs

Showing 73 to 96 of 207 items

Green Tiger Tomato

Certified Organic

Mottled green tomatoes with fascinating flavor.

from $3.99

Green Zebra Tomato

Certified Organic

Popular garden tomato ripens to reveal an intriguing pattern.

from $3.99

Habanada Pepper

Productive, taste-bud friendly, not-hot pepper.

from $3.99

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

A classic flower of late summer, in a celestial blue tone.

from $3.39

Hidalgo Serrano Hot Pepper

Certified Organic

Add fresh heat with this fiery pepper.

from $3.99

Homemade Pickles Cucumber

Certified Organic

Small- to medium-sized cukes that are perfect for the pickle crock.

from $3.99

Honeynut Squash

Certified Organic

Delicious and convenient single-meal-sized keepers.

from $3.99

Italian Large Leaf Basil

Certified Organic

Also known as Neapolitan basil. Exceptional fresh eating quality.

from $3.99

Ithaca Lettuce

A buttery iceberg type developed in New York State.

from $3.49

Jaluv an Attitude Hot Pepper

Certified Organic

Squat, thick-walled, vigorous and cold-resistant.


Jersey Breeze Tomato

Certified Organic

The perfect red tomato of a gardener's dreams.

from $3.99

Johnny Jump-Up

Brings cheer and joy as spring awakens.

from $3.39

Jubilee Gem Bachelor Buttons

Certified Organic

Also known as Blue Cornflower.

from $3.99

Klip Dagga

Certified Organic

Attract hummingbirds with this otherworldly plant.

from $3.99

Laxton's Progress Shell Pea

Certified Organic

Also known as Laxton's Progress No. 9.


Lemon Basil

Certified Organic

Strong aroma, great fresh or in cooked dishes.

from $3.99

Lemon Cucumber

Certified Organic

Looks like a lemon but tastes like a cucumber.

from $3.99

Lemon Spice Jalapeño Pepper

Lemon Spice Jalapeño Pepper

Certified Organic

Moderately spicy with citrusy tang.

from $3.79

Light Red Kidney Bush Bean

Certified Organic

Expect great yields.

from $3.99

Mammoth Gray Stripe Sunflower

Certified Organic

Towering, delightfully ragged blooms.

from $3.99

Mammoth Long Island Dill

Certified Organic

For pickles and beyond.

from $3.99


Certified Organic

A fast-growing perennial herb with countless uses.

from $3.49

Marketmore 76 Cucumber

Certified Organic

A classic slicer, high-yielding and crisp.

from $3.39


Certified Organic

Use medicinally, or to make a tasty tea or confection.
