Garden Packs

Showing 73 to 96 of 204 items

Golden Globe Turnip

Certified Organic

A unique and cold hardy turnip with creamy, mild flavor.

from $3.49

Golden Sweet Snow Pea

Certified Organic

High-contrast, verdant vines with bright yellow pods.

from $3.99

Green Arrow Shell Pea

Certified Organic

Vigorous vines bear numerous pods that pack 8-10 peas each.

from $3.49

Green Sprouting Calabrese Broccoli

Certified Organic

This 1800s Italian-American heirloom is a consistent producer.

from $3.99

Green Tiger Tomato

Certified Organic

Mottled green tomatoes with fascinating flavor.

from $3.99

Green Zebra Tomato

Certified Organic

Popular garden tomato ripens to reveal an intriguing pattern.

from $3.99

Habanada Pepper

Productive, taste-bud friendly, not-hot pepper.

from $3.99

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

A classic flower of late summer, in a celestial blue tone.

from $3.39

Hidalgo Serrano Hot Pepper

Certified Organic

Add fresh heat with this fiery pepper.

from $3.99

Homemade Pickles Cucumber

Certified Organic

Small- to medium-sized cukes that are perfect for the pickle crock.

from $3.99

Honeynut Squash

Certified Organic

Delicious and convenient single-meal-sized keepers.

from $3.99

Ithaca Lettuce

A buttery iceberg type developed in New York State.

from $3.49

Jaluv an Attitude Hot Pepper

Certified Organic

Squat, thick-walled, vigorous and cold-resistant.


Jersey Breeze Tomato

Certified Organic

The perfect red tomato of a gardener's dreams.

from $3.99

Johnny Jump-Up

Brings cheer and joy as spring awakens.

from $3.39

Jubilee Gem Bachelor Buttons

Certified Organic

Also known as Blue Cornflower.

from $3.99

Klip Dagga

Certified Organic

Attract hummingbirds with this otherworldly plant.

from $3.99

Klip Dagga Seedlings

Certified Organic Single seedling in 4" pot

Attract hummingbirds with this otherworldly plant.


Laxton's Progress Shell Pea

Certified Organic

Also known as Laxton's Progress No. 9.


Lemon Basil

Certified Organic

Strong aroma, great fresh or in cooked dishes.

from $3.99

Lemon Cucumber

Certified Organic

Looks like a lemon but tastes like a cucumber.

from $3.99

Lemon Spice Jalapeño Pepper

Lemon Spice Jalapeño Pepper

Certified Organic

Moderately spicy with citrusy tang.

from $3.79

Light Red Kidney Bean

Certified Organic

Expect great yields.

from $3.99

Mammoth Gray Stripe Sunflower

Certified Organic

Towering, delightfully ragged blooms.

from $3.99