Feverfew Seedlings

Certified Organic

Tanacetum parthenium

Perennial herb with daisy-like blooms and deep-green foliage.

A favorite for the medicinal garden in no small part due to its highly ornamental daisy-like blooms and deep-green foliage. Native to Eurasia but well-adapted to other regions, this tender perennial has a long history as an herbal medicine for treating inflammation: as early as the first century, Greek herbalist Dioscorides described feverfew's usefulness in his De materia medica.

Grown in full sun, feverfew will develop into a tidy bush reaching up to 30" tall. The dainty white flowers also hold up well in bouquets and vase arrangements.


This item has sold out for pre-order. In-person shopping of seedlings is available at 11 Airport Road, Accord, NY, 12404, beginning August 5th, 2024.
4-pack of seedlings $5.49 Sold out for 2024 preorders.

Feverfew is a short-lived perennial that is best planted in spring and treated as an annual. It usually comes back the next year, but it's vigor diminishes over 2-3 years. Surface sow and keep moist; light helps the seed germinate.

Days to Germination 10-15 days
Days to Maturity 100 days
Planting Depth 0-¼"
Spacing in Row 10"
Spacing Between Rows 18"
Height at Maturity 24"
Sun Preference Full Sun

Anne Smith created this layered work through gouache, pigment on paper, and digital techniques She has been creating a series of cup paintings for the "Artist support Pledge to support artists who have lost opportunities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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