Lancia Leek

Certified Organic

Allium porrum

Harvest early leeks with robust flavor.

An early-harvested leek with superb flavor. At maturity, these leeks produce long, thick white shanks with upright, blue-green foliage. Reliable and uniform, even in difficult years. Make these a staple of your home vegetable garden.

from $4.39

100 Seeds / Organic $4.39 Out of Stock
300 Seeds / Organic $7.99 In Stock
900 Seeds / Organic $11.49 In Stock

Price as selected:

Start indoors early, 12 weeks before last frost. Sow seeds about 1 inch apart. All onions are very susceptible to damping off, so do not over water and keep the good air flow where you are growing your seedlings. Once leeks are 3 inches high and about 1/4 inch thick, they can be brought outdoors to harden off.  Transplant any time after soil can be worked. Make a hole about 8" deep and drop the sturdy seedlings into the hole. Allow rain to wash soil into hole, slowly filling it.  Harvest at pencil-thin stage for baby leeks or anytime thereafter.  Leeks like rich, loamy, weed free soil and plenty of water, and should be kept as weed-free as possible. 

Days to Germination 5-12
Days to Maturity 120
Planting Depth 1/4"
Spacing in Row 6"
Spacing Between Rows 18"
Height at Maturity 20"
Width at Maturity 12"
Sun Preference Full to Partial Sun

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