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Full Circus Fig Tree

Certified Organic

Rich, decadent fruit.

The fig we offer is an unnamed variety that has a lineage and solid track record of being grown in New York State. According to our grower Mark of Full Circus Farm: 

"The original tree from which the propagation for this variety was made came from [his partner] Miriam's academic advisor at Cornell. He told us it is an Italian variety, and that he has been growing it successfully for years, in Ithaca, both potted and by burying the tree underground for the wintertime (pruning back the top, severing the roots on one side, which allows him to bend the fig over into a hole in the ground) and resurrecting it in spring.  We overwinter one of ours with this burial method, others by keeping them potted, and others we've planted in the ground inside in our greenhouse."

"We love that this variety gives both a Breba crop (early crop) in summer, as well as the main crop in fall.  The fruits turn a deep dark purple, their fruit softens and the necks start to bend when they are ready to pick. It fruits prolifically, and can start fruiting at a very early age. They are life-changingly delicious!"

These are small, two-year-old potted trees from our farm partner, Full Circus Farm, in Pine Plains, NY.

Unit Price Quantity Availability
1 Small Potted Tree (18-24" in height) $42.95
Out of Stock

Price as selected: $0.00

Growing instructions
Choose a site in full sun, with relatively well-drained soil. Plant your tree as soon as possible after pick up, and soak the roots in water a few hours before planting. Dig a hole that will accommodate the roots when they are spread out, plus a little extra room. When planting, keep the tree perpendicular to the ground, and keep the graft a few inches above the soil. Spread the roots out and gently fill in with soil all around. Tamp the soil down and water in very well. Keep well-watered and mulched while young trees are getting established.
Product Details
Width at Maturity 18'
Height at Maturiry 18-20'
Hardiness Zone Range 45678
Sun Conditions Full Sun (8+ Hours Sun)
Plant Spacing 18'
Special shipping

All trees are available for in-person pickup at our greenhouses in Accord, NY, and shipping within the contiguous US. Tree shipping is a standard $45 flat rate for up to 8 trees.

    Full Circus Fig Tree
    Full Circus Fig Tree

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