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Mexican Sour Gherkin Seedlings

Melothria scabra

Certified Organic

Tiny fruits with cucumber flavor that pop at each bite.

When a vegetable is as adorable as Mexican Sour Gherkins, cute nicknames pop up as plentifully as fruits on a vine. Also called Cucamelon and Sanditas (Spanish for little watermelon), Gherkins are most charmingly known as Mouse Melons. Neither a cucumber nor a melon, Mouse Melons are in a league—and a genus—of their own. Just about the right size for a mouse meal, humans can eat these cute fruits in single bites. Like their tangy burst of flavor? There’s always more of this high-yielding treat.

Itty bitty, bite-sized cucumber-like fruits form on this unique, sprawling but small leaved vine. Each bite is a refreshing, explosive sensation, and the flavor is a treat: sweet and pleasant, but predominantly tangy, hence the name. They also make lovely pickles. Not a true cucumber, but a member of the species Melothria scabra. A great choice for small spaces, those who love anything unique, and for market growers. Also a very popular item sold at farmer's markets in half or full pints. Trellis for best production, ease of harvest, and use of space.

Unit Price Quantity Availability
4-pack of seedlings $5.99
Out of Stock

Price as selected: $0.00

Growing instructions
Direct sow after frost or start under protection up to 3 weeks before. Provide fertile soil and support for climbing. Harvest regularly.
Product Details
Days to Maturity 75 days
Days to Germination 3-10 days
Width at Maturity 12"
Height at Maturiry 36-48"
Sun Conditions Full Sun (8+ Hours Sun)
Planting Depth _"
Row Spacing 36-60"
Plant Spacing 12"
About the artist
Artwork by Wendy Edelson. Wendy, a children's book illustrator, was a natural choice to capture the cuteness and complexity of this winding, vining crop. With precise pencil and ink illustrations, Edelson brought this variety, and a delightful picnic, to life.

    Mexican Sour Gherkin Seedlings
    Mexican Sour Gherkin Seedlings
    Mexican Sour Gherkin Seedlings
    Mexican Sour Gherkin Seedlings
    Mexican Sour Gherkin Seedlings

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