Minowase Daikon Radish

Raphanus sativus

Useful roots grow fast and big, yet remain crisp & sweet

A staple of Japanese and Korean cuisine, daikon radishes are unbelievably fast-growing even in the cool, shortening days of fall and are an excellent, underappreciated root for the winter kitchen. They excel in cooked preparations, especially stir-fries and roasts, where their flesh is tender, buttery, and mild. Erin made a great ginger-and-daikon kimchi that we're all still dreaming of: we ate it like candy, straight out of the jar. They store beautifully in a root cellar or right in the fridge, and they can be harvested after the first mild frosts without much damage to the root (they will not make it through hard freezes without a decrease in quality, unfortunately). Though they can be grown in both spring and fall, they are better and more delicious as a fall crop.

This variety is suitable for growing as a microgreen. 🌱

from $3.49

250 Seeds $3.49 In Stock
1 Ounce $5.39 In Stock
4 Ounces $9.39 In Stock

Price as selected:

Sow in late summer for a fall crop. Can be started in trays and then quickly transplanted or direct sown. Germinates very quickly and grows as fast as a weed, so be sure to give plenty of room from the start���if you fail to thin closely spaced plants quickly enough, they will not size up enough before frost. Harvest around first mild frosts, chop off green tops, and store in a cellar or fridge, unwashed, wrapped loosely in plastic bags.

Days to Germination 3 to 5 days
Days to Maturity 45 to 60 days
Planting Depth ½ inch
Spacing in Row 12 inches
Spacing Between Rows 18 to 24 inches
Height at Maturity 18 inches
Width at Maturity 12 inches
Sun Preference Full to Partial Sun

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