Red Acre Cabbage

Certified Organic

Brassica oleracea

Versatile, easy and perfect for kraut, slaw, and cooked dishes

Red Acre Cabbage heads reach about 6" in diameter and weigh about 3 pounds--an ideal size for the home garden.

Along the wind-swept, salt-sprayed coastlines of the Mediterranean grow huge colonies of wild cabbage. From this unlikely niche have been developed all the cultivated members of the Brassica oleracea species, including broccoli, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, kale, collards, and heading cabbage. Unexpressed in the wild species, the trait for the purple hue we call "red" has been revealed by careful selection over the ages. While it may be happiest basking in the sun on the Mediterranean (who wouldn't be?), it grows readily and fairly quickly in gardens around the world.

This variety is suitable for growing as a microgreen. 🌱

from $3.49

100 Seeds $3.49 In Stock
300 Seeds $6.39 In Stock

Price as selected:

Direct sow 6 weeks before last frost, or start under protection 3 weeks before that. Start 4 months before first fall frost for fall/winter crop. Cabbage likes fertile soil and steady moisture.

Days to Germination 7 to 10 days
Days to Maturity 85 days
Planting Depth ½ inches
Spacing in Row 24 inches
Spacing Between Rows 36 inches
Height at Maturity 12 inches
Width at Maturity 6 inches
Sun Preference Full Sun

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