Scarlet Red Tatsoi

Brassica rapa

Succulent and visually-stunning greens.

 A stunning tatsoi with plum-colored leaves, bright green stems and contrasting undersides. Scarlet Red can be used as a baby cut-and-come-again salad green, or grown to a full, semi-heading rosette. An excellent choice for container growing and succession sowing. Delicious flavor, and possibly more resistant to flea beetle damage because of its dark coloration.

This variety is suitable for growing as a microgreen. 🌱

from $3.99

200 Seeds $3.99 In Stock
600 Seeds $6.99 Out of Stock
0.5 Ounces $11.49 In Stock

Price as selected:

Sow indoors beginning 8-10 weeks before last frost, or direct sow beginning 3-4 weeks before last frost. Can be sown straight through until September, though spring sowings can bolt early and be taken by flea beetles; consider using row cover. Sow more densely than indicated for baby clippings. Harvest whole head—not an ideal cut-and-come-again green. Superb in fall and winter.

Days to Germination 5-15
Days to Maturity 50
Planting Depth 1/4"
Spacing in Row 6"
Spacing Between Rows 18"
Height at Maturity 12"
Width at Maturity 16"
Sun Preference Full Sun

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