Home-grown is best, for sure, but we know many of you will supplement your own garden's bounty with that of a local CSA farm or farmers market. There's no shame in it! About this time next year you'll realize there's no such thing as too many quarts of frozen peppers or canned tomato sauce, root-cellared potatoes or butternut squash.
We've got several great friends who are actively seeking CSA members for the upcoming growing season. (We are fans of many of the regional CSAs not mentioned below, as well, so please don't feel slighted if your farm is not in the list--feel free to share additional CSAs in the comments.)
- Our friend Erin, who's been helping us pack envelopes and pull orders, runs the terrific Second Wind CSA at Four Winds Farm in Gardiner, NY. Here's what she has to say: Second Wind CSA, located at Four Winds Farm in Gardiner, NY, is in its second year. They are excited to offer a wide variety of seasonal produce, chosen with a cook's sensibility. The farmers, Erin and Sam, believe in offering heirloom and open-pollinated varieties in order to promote food security and diversity. Shares are designed to feed a small family or two adult vegetarians. Their season runs from June to November. Send e-mails to SecondwindCSA@gmail.com for more information, or click here to read the brochure now.
Linda-Brook is our long-time friend and across-the-street neighbor here in Accord, NY. She runs a seasonal farm stand from June through Labor Day (or longer) and runs a small CSA program through her business Back to Basics. Call her at 845-626-2317 for details on the CSA.
- Regeneration CSA is a beautifully-sited CSA operating on permaculture principles on Clove Valley Road in High Falls, NY. Our friend Sarah is running the farm this year, which primarily serves customers in the High Falls, Accord, and Stone Ridge areas. Check out their website to learn more.
- Hollengold Farm, also located down the road from us in scenic Accord, is a new farm run by mother-daughter duo Wendy Hollender and Abby Goldfarb. In addition to a CSA, Hollengold will be offering a farmstand and series of classes and events. Wendy created the beautiful art for our Basil Bouquet Art Pack, and classes on botanical illustration--complete with fresh-from-the-farm meals--are among the farm's many offerings this season.
- Phillies Bridge Farm Project is a great operation located about mid-way between Gardiner and New Paltz, NY. The new farmer, Anne, is great--as were previous growers Jes, Gwenael and Alex, and our friends Amie and Magen and Aileah, who all interned and worked there. Good people, lovely spot, great food!
- Brook Farm Project occupies a field beneath the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY. It has stunning vistas of the ridge and offers plenty of delicious produce and community activity.
- Poughkeepsie Farm Project grows good food for the folks of eastern Dutchess County, NY. PFP offers plenty of community programs and opportunities for involvement, and happily provided the Seed Library with five new Library Pack varieties a couple weeks ago.