We are lucky and grateful to be in the middle of a bustling and very seedy community on our Facebook page. Here are our most popular posts of 2013. If you'd like to like us on Facebook, click here!

In December, we honored the memory of a great gardener: Nelson Mandela passed on a legacy of growing justice, peace and, yes, food. During his imprisonment, Mandela convinced the authorities to let him plant a garden. The guards provided seeds for him and the vegetables he cultivated were used in the prison kitchen. Please share as a "thank you" to activist gardeners everywhere.

For Thanksgiving, we introduced you to our tiny friends: The squash miners are hard at work preparing tomorrow's feast! To see what else the Lilliputians are up to, take a look at our greeting card and fine art collection. This image is one of a series of garden landscape photographs by

In October, we invited you to our annual Art of the Heirloom Exhibition Opening and Holiday Sale! We kicked off the traveling exhibition in our own neck of the woods: the Anvil Gallery in Kingston presented works by the 24 artists we selected from over 300 talented individuals who applied to be pack artists this year.

You asked for it, and we did it! Get our new 2014 Calendar. It's a seedy art gallery for your wall. 12 months of Pack Art originals with seed stories, garden tips, and info about each artist. We only printed a few and when they're gone that's it.

You guessed it - Catnip! This happy pollinator is enjoying a meal from a mystery herb we grew last summer. Hint: it's detested by deer, but beloved by butterflies, hated by mosquitoes, but pure bliss for another common garden critter. In tea, it acts as a mild sedative and it's part of our new art pack collection.

For every order placed in December, we donated 5 heirloom seed packs to a garden in need! Your orders helped grow school gardens, community garden projects, and seed sharing. A total of 1,870 packs of seed have been set aside and we will do a call for nominations of eligible gardens this month!

With colder weather, shorter days, and winter surely on its way, we talked about why November means bedtime for the garden. This is one of the many how-to articles available from our blog, The Seeder's Digest.

And, we reluctantly let go of another fruitful growing season, and slowly descended into fall. First, with beautiful Gift Zinnias still blooming in the back field thanks to our extended summer (which was perfect for seed saving!).

Next, frost was inevitable. We said goodbye to tender blooms like this nasturtium and recommended that your hardy veggies like like lettuces, young kales, arugula, or mustard greens seek (row) cover.

And lastly, we welcomed the Day of the Dead (Plants) with Ruta the dog, who ran with the brightest Dia de los Muertos blooms (Marigolds!) on a gloomy November 1st.