When Doug and I decided to make seeds our business, we had no idea what would happen. Over the past year we've been trying to balance following the seeds and and leading them as we figure out how to be farmers, run a small business, and be responsible seedsmen. As I continue to teach workshops and give talks, I have begun to see how the simple act of saving seeds makes important and sustainable connections--both by teaching us about the full life cycle of plants and by creating relationships between farmers, gardeners, artists, locavores, fashionistas, activists, community organizations, historians, and seed-savers.
Almost everything in our lives depends on seeds, and seeds depend on us as well. Because of this, the seeds have taken us places we never could have imagined, but somehow, there is always a green connection made. Here are a few photos of the most recent places we have been. if you would like to host a seed saving workshop or talk, or if you have a market or store where you think our seeds would fit in, let me know.