Sulphur Cosmos

Cosmos sulphureus

The perfect scatter seed flower in rich deep golden hues.

These cosmos are wonderfully easy, drought-tolerant, and disease-resistant. A lacy-leaved and flat-bloomed answer to calendula (in the same terrific golden hues). The foliage is robust by late summer, forming a beautiful rounded clump of thin-leaved green that suggests dryland plants. Pairs well with Spider Flower (see photo).

from $3.49

250 Seeds $3.49 In Stock
750 Seeds $6.39 In Stock
2,250 Seeds $11.49 Out of Stock

Price as selected:

Easy to grow flowers with a bushy habit that tolerate semi-neglected conditions. Plant in an area where they will not shade out other plants, or mix them with other tall annuals such as zinnias, straw flowers, and sunflowers. Start indoors 6 weeks before last frost and transplant, or sow outdoors, after threat of frost has passed. Cosmos will tolerate being crowded, especially when grown with other flowers. Blooms are bright but delicate, and do not last long after cutting.

Days to Germination 7 to 14 days
Days to Maturity 90 days
Planting Depth ¼ inch
Spacing in Row 18 to 24 inches
Spacing Between Rows 18 to 24 inches
Height at Maturity 48 inches
Width at Maturity 36 inches
Sun Preference Full to Partial Sun

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