Mexican Sour Gherkin Seedlings

Certified Organic

Melothria scabra

Tiny fruits with cucumber flavor that pop at each bite.

When a vegetable is as adorable as Mexican Sour Gherkins, cute nicknames pop up as plentifully as fruits on a vine. Also called Cucamelon and Sanditas (Spanish for little watermelon), Gherkins are most charmingly known as Mouse Melons. Neither a cucumber nor a melon, Mouse Melons are in a league—and a genus—of their own. Just about the right size for a mouse meal, humans can eat these cute fruits in single bites. Like their tangy burst of flavor? There’s always more of this high-yielding treat.

Itty bitty, bite-sized cucumber-like fruits form on this unique, sprawling but small leaved vine. Each bite is a refreshing, explosive sensation, and the flavor is a treat: sweet and pleasant, but predominantly tangy, hence the name. They also make lovely pickles. Not a true cucumber, but a member of the species Melothria scabra. A great choice for small spaces, those who love anything unique, and for market growers. Also a very popular item sold at farmer's markets in half or full pints. Trellis for best production, ease of harvest, and use of space.


Seedling preorders have ended for the 2024 season. In-person shopping of a limited selection of seedlings is available at 11 Airport Road, Accord, NY 12404, from 9am to 5pm daily through May 23rd, then from 8am to 2pm daily from May 24th to 26th.
4-pack of seedlings $5.49 Sold out for 2024 preorders.

Direct sow after frost or start under protection up to 3 weeks before. Provide fertile soil and support for climbing. Harvest regularly.

Days to Germination 3-10 days
Days to Maturity 75 days
Planting Depth ½"
Spacing in Row 12"
Spacing Between Rows 36-60"
Height at Maturity 36-48"
Width at Maturity 12"
Sun Preference Full Sun

Artwork by Wendy Edelson. Wendy, a children's book illustrator, was a natural choice to capture the cuteness and complexity of this winding, vining crop. With precise pencil and ink illustrations, Edelson brought this variety, and a delightful picnic, to life.

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