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Marigold Medley Seedlings

Tagetes lucida, Tagetes patula

Certified Organic

Bring your garden to life with this mix of festive marigolds.

The bright orange and strong-scented Cempazuchitl, or marigold, was the Aztec symbol of death. Throughout Mexico, it is used to this day to decorate graves and altars in Dia de Los Muertos festivals. Anything but morbid, the garlands, crosses, and lined pathways made from thousands of marigold blooms celebrate life, while the papel picado paper banners hang overhead in festive rows. Look closely at the art on this pack and you can see the celebration of life and death that plays out in our gardens every year.

Contains Crackerjack, Petite Mix, Naughty Marietta, and Sparky French marigolds.

Unit Price Quantity Availability
4-pack of seedlings $5.99
Out of Stock

Price as selected: $0.00

Growing instructions
Start seeds indoors 6 weeks before last frost date, then transplant outdoors to indicated spacing in the garden or in containers. This mix includes both French and Mexican marigolds, which vary in height, so transplant the shorter seedlings in front of the taller ones if necessary in your garden space. Marigolds require little care and attention; water if particularly hot and dry.
Product Details
Days to Maturity 60-80 days
Days to Germination 5-10 days
Width at Maturity 12-24"
Height at Maturiry 18-36"
Sun Conditions Full Sun (8+ Hours Sun)
Planting Depth 1/4"
Row Spacing 12"
Plant Spacing 10-12"
About the artist
Artwork by Jenny Lee Fowler. Her paper cuttings brim with vignettes from forest and field, and her hand-rendered silhouettes underscore the relationships between people and our natural world.

    An arrangement of blooms.
    Marigold Medley Seedlings
    A planting of Marigold Medley in our 2013 trial garden, about to bloom!
    Marigold Medley Seedlings

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