Early Sown Herbs and Vegetables
Certified Organic
A jumbo, fast growing onion!
Certified Organic
Use in delicious winter leek soup.
Certified Organic
Edible, ornamental, and perennial–an essential part of every kitchen garden.
Certified Organic
Will store for up to 7 months.
Certified Organic
Endless culinary uses and easy to grow from seed.
A sprawling, flavorful ground cover.
Certified Organic
Durable with striking purple stalks.
Certified Organic
Charming perennial herb for the kitchen garden.
A scallion patch is easy to grow and useful nearly all year round.
The thyme is right: evergreen, aromatic and easy to grow!
Certified Organic
Standard flat-leaf variety grows long stems and robust leaves.
Certified Organic
Highly aromatic savory variety that thrives in colder climates.
Certified Organic
Harvest early leeks with robust flavor.
Certified Organic
This will be your new favorite herb.
Certified Organic
A fast-growing perennial herb with countless uses.
Tasty, with a unique confetti texture.
Certified Organic
Add some flavor to your cold weather meals with this delicious storage root.
Certified Organic
Delightful sparkly texture with a rich parsley tang.
A tough and beautiful lavender for colder climates.
Certified Organic
A fast-growing onion from New York's Black Dirt Country
Big yields of classic New Mexican chiles.
Open Pollinated
Certified Organic
Scrumptious red stalks with deep green leaves.
A vibrant mix that's both hardy and gallery-worthy.