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Tiger Paw Aster Seedlings

Callistephus chinensis

Certified Organic

Stunning cut flower in bold hues of purple, pink, and white.

This flower has a long, involved name that reflects its long, involved journey from Asia to your garden. Let’s break it down. The Latin shows that this is not a true aster but a flower originally from China. “Tiger Paw” represents the claw-like incurving quilled petals, and suggests the White Tiger constellation in Chinese astrology that symbolizes the west and autumn. Result: this flower crossed the seas from east to west to bring its tiger claw petals to your late summer and fall garden. Let it roar!

Makes a great cut flower. Blooms reach 24" in height and 4" in diameter at maturity.

Unit Price Quantity Availability
4-pack of seedlings $5.49
Out of Stock

Price as selected: $0.00

Growing instructions
Sow 6-8 weeks before last spring frost. Seed in flats, then pot to a bigger cell. Provide fertile potting mix, and keep from over- or underwatering. Transplant when 3-4" tall.
Product Details
Days to Maturity 80 days
Days to Germination 10-14 days
Width at Maturity 10-12"
Height at Maturiry 24"
Sun Conditions Partial Sun (4-6 hours Sun), Full Sun (8+ Hours Sun)
Planting Depth _"
Row Spacing 18"
Plant Spacing 12"
About the artist
Artwork by Ayumi Horie. Studio potter, Ayumi Horie, loved working with her hands early on as her Japanese family gardened and cooked in Maine. In 2011 she co-organized Handmade For Japan to raise money for disaster relief in Japan.

    Tiger Paw Aster Seedlings
    Tiger Paw Aster Art Pack
    Tiger Paw Aster Seedlings
    Tiger Paw Aster Seedlings

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