Garden Packs

Showing 97 to 120 of 207 items

Martian Jewels Sweet Corn

Certified Organic

Full-bodied, classic sweet corn ears adorn beautiful plants.

from $4.39

Maxibel Bush Haricot Vert

Certified Organic

Hand-pick these perfect straight and slender pods.

from $3.99

Merlot Lettuce

Certified Organic

Deep purple-red leaves with delightful earthy flavor.

from $3.99

Mesclun Mix

Certified Organic

A tasty collection of lettuce and other greens.

from $3.99

Mikado Tomato

Certified Organic

Rare American heirloom with exceptional flavor and reliability.

from $4.49


Certified Organic

Beautiful, deeply serrated green leaves.

from $3.99

Mizuna Red Streaks Mustard

Certified Organic

Makes any ordinary salad gourmet.

from $3.99

Moving Target Beet

Moving Target Beet

Certified Organic

Chioggia-style beet with earthy flavor.

from $4.39

Muncher Cucumber

Certified Organic

What's a burpless cucumber?

from $3.49

New England Pie Pumpkin

Certified Organic

Charming small fruit yield excellent flesh for pies.

from $3.99

New Yorker Tomato

Certified Organic

An early producer, excellent for canning and processing.


Novantina Broccoli Raab

Certified Organic

A mild, yet flavorful green and florets for sautes and stir-fry.

from $4.39

Painted Serpent Cucumber

Certified Organic

AKA Armenian Cucumber. Heat-tolerant, bitterness free.

from $3.39

Parris Island Cos Lettuce

Certified Organic

Perseveres through heat and drought.

from $3.99

Pineapple Tomato

Certified Organic

A sweet and slightly citrusy tomato of substantial size

from $3.99

Plate de Haiti Tomato

Also known as manzana de hispanola.


Powder Puff Aster

Certified Organic

Plucky, pretty, daisy-like flowers in pinks and purples.

from $3.49

Provider Bush Green Bean

Certified Organic

Big, delicious harvests of perfectly plump beans.

from $3.99

Pumila Mix Zinnia

Perfect & compact double blooms make great cut flowers.

from $3.49

Purple Heart Tomato

Certified Organic

Fall in love with these delectable hearts!

from $3.99

Purple Perfume Nicotiana

Certified Organic

A deep purple, star-shaped flower

from $3.99

Purple Top White Globe Turnip

Certified Organic

Traditional turnip for fall harvests and meals.

from $3.49

Rainbow Chard

Certified Organic

Easy to grow, ornamental, and nutritious.

from $3.99

Really Red Deer Tongue Lettuce

Certified Organic

Strikingly saturated; winsome in appearance and ruggedness.

from $3.99