
Certified Organic

Valerianella locusta

Fresh greens all season long—no greenhouse required!

Here in the Northeast, the early adopters of the locavore movement had a challenge when trying to eat within 100 miles of their homes: winter. While it was possible to find storage crops such as roots, apples, and cabbages as well as to can, dry, and freeze much of summer's bounty, fresh greens were hard to come by. Luckily we have the little-known mache (pronounced "mosh"), also called lamb's lettuce or corn salad, to fill this void. A superb overwinterer, this satisfying, cold-hardy green is soothing, nutritious, and flavorful, with its own invisible insulation like a lamb's warm coat. It is eaten fresh and is an excellent salad base. Grow this green in your cold season and keep your tummy warm.

from $3.49

250 Seeds / Organic $3.49 In Stock
Art Pack / Organic $4.79 In Stock
750 Seeds / Organic $6.39 In Stock
1 Ounce / Organic $13.49 In Stock

Price as selected:

Sow in successions in early fall for fall and winter harvest, or start early spring under protection. Allow 6" per plant. Thrives in cooler temperatures with ample water and sunlight. Does well in a greenhouse in the winter as well.

Days to Germination 10-14
Days to Maturity 55 days
Planting Depth ¼"
Spacing in Row 1"
Spacing Between Rows 8-12"
Height at Maturity 3"
Sun Preference Full to Little Sun

Artwork by Beth Haber. Beth's collage of translucent papers in muted colors hints at the misty mornings and tender scent of soil thaw that accompany the first greens of spring The top turquoise stripe on the full artwork reminds us of the brightness to come after Mache's season is over. 

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