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Champion Collards Seedlings

Brassica oleracea

Certified Organic

Sweet in the fall but delicious anytime.

Collards are extraordinarily nutritious and make delicious greasy greens, braised in oil with garlic. It's easy to pluck a big bunch and cook them quickly. They accompany nearly any dish well. (Tip: slice leaves across the stem into thin strips before cooking. After cooking, it's easy and fun to twirl cooked tender greens around your fork--like noodles--or to pluck them with chopsticks from a steaming bowl.)

Unit Price Quantity Availability
4-pack of seedlings $5.99
Out of Stock

Price as selected: $0.00

Growing instructions
Start collards indoors 6 weeks before planting date. Transplant when plants are 4" high, 18" apart. Harvest larger outer leaves, leaving the smaller inner leaves to grow.

Collards prefer cooler temperatures and thus make a good spring and fall crops. They become extremely sweet after a frost, and last in the garden unprotected beyond December. For a hearty cold season supply, start indoors in early July, transplant in August and let grow until first frost date. In a mild fall, they will continue to grow if harvested regularly.
Product Details
Days to Maturity 75 days
Days to Germination 7 to 14 days
Width at Maturity 24 to 30 inches
Height at Maturiry 30 inches
Sun Conditions Partial Sun (4-6 hours Sun), Full Sun (8+ Hours Sun)
Planting Depth _ inch
Row Spacing 18 inches
Plant Spacing 18 inches

    Champion Collards Seedlings
    Champion Collards Seedlings

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