Putting the Garden to Bed

Tidy up!
Tidy your containers too. Freezing weather can cause terra cotta and ceramic pots to crack and burst apart over winter, so it’s also a good time to empty these pots and store them inside. If you can do it now, scrub the interior of the pots with a solution of water and bleach prior to storage (or empty now and sanitize them ahead of plantings in spring).

Get down to business with bulbs.
Dig up dahlias...
Get beds tucked-in with a cozy blanket of mulch.
Mulch is a like a big thick comforter for your garden and will give many plants a fighting chance against the cold of winter. Herbs such as rosemary, thyme, and lavender benefit from a mulching (a light, dry one, if possible), as these can be felled by January freezes. Mulching also extends the harvest season for cold-hardy roots such as carrots, turnips, radishes, and potatoes, allowing you to harvest these crops without a root cellar well into December or January (though you shouldn't plan on them making it into deep winter with only mulch as a cover unless your mulch is extremely thick).

Sow some seeds. Yes, you read that right.
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