Plant these Varieties for a Deer-Resistant Garden February 17, 2022 Learn which plants are least palatable to deer.
5 Essential Garden Tools February 11, 2022 These are our go-to tools for home gardening and farm work.
Fall Cover Crop Planting Chart August 17, 2021 Check out our useful chart on when to sow different cover crops, and what they can do for your garden.
Melina Hammer's Kitchen Garden May 28, 2021 A peek into cookbook author Melina Hammer's local kitchen garden.
How to Overwinter Plants Outdoors November 11, 2020 How the toughest plants survive the toughest season.
Putting the Garden to Bed: Late Fall Garden Activities October 22, 2020 Is your garden ready for winter (and next spring)?
Grow-How: An Overwintering Overview September 14, 2020 There are lots of things you can do starting now to ensure that you have a wonderful winter.
Bright Ideas! A Flower Bulb for Every Purpose. August 29, 2020 How to decide which bulbs to grow in your garden? We've got gorgeous bulbs that excel for all the right reasons—plus some tips to ensure success.
Growing in the Shadows: Shade Tolerant Varieties August 12, 2020 Some veggies don't mind giving up a little light to join gardeners in the cool relief of partial shade.
Season Extension into Fall and Winter August 09, 2020 Tips on using row covers in the fall and other techniques.
The Whys and Hows of Fall Cover Crops July 18, 2020 A full guide to keep your garden well dressed in any season.
How and When to Harvest July 04, 2020 Harvest time is the big reward. But it, like all things, is most satisfying when done with skill. Check out these tips!