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An aromatic and tasty native beauty.
Help ease the threat placed on Monarch populations.
Build a buffet for the butterflies!
from $3.49
A stately plant with drooping purple petals.
A versatile perennial herb that attracts pollinators.
from $3.99
Edible, ornamental, and perennial–an essential part of every kitchen garden.
Endless culinary uses and easy to grow from seed.
Highly aromatic savory variety that thrives in colder climates.
A mix of golden, white, and coral wildflowers.
A treat for all beloved kitties. Relaxes humans too!
Easy-to-grow, early perennial herb. Pretty white blooms in late summer.
Slender, ribbed, uniform zucchini.
Also called Bee's Friend. A highly beneficial flower for pollinators and soil building.
Showy spikes of bright magenta blooms bring in the pollinators.
Charming perennial herb for the kitchen garden.
Ethereal blooms and intriguing seed pods.
Effusive and crowd-pleasing red-orange blooms
Wonderfully refined flavor in both bulbs and leaves.
Bright red-orange flowers with silver foliage.
Attractive feathery herb that's delicious fresh or for its seeds.
A fast-growing perennial herb with countless uses.
A fuss-free, heat tolerant variety.
from $4.99
A delicious and prolific multi-season broccoli.
Petals unfurl before your eyes and attract hummingbird moths.