Fall Gardening

Fall planting is the perfect way to bookend the main growing season. Whether sowing a patch of wildflowers or planting flower bulbs, garlic, and shallots, fall gardening is a way of acknowledging the silent work our gardens do for us (even when we're inside all winter long). And it's the easiest time to work in the garden: the soil is already cultivated, the weather is cool and misty, and our fall plantings won't require much water.  

Fall Gardening

Showing 1 to 24 of 182 items
Workshop - How to Plant Garlic & Shallots

Workshop - How to Plant Garlic & Shallots


Abundant Bloomsdale Spinach

Certified Organic

Boasts cold tolerance and high yields.

from $3.99

Allium 'Drumstick'

Dense clusters of magenta spikes, nodding on tall stems.

from $4.99

Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation'

Sublime spheres

from $8.99

Allium atropurpureum

Unusual wine-colored heirloom

from $11.49

Allium azureum

Beloved, bobbing, blue beauties

from $4.99

Allium carolinianum "Rosy Beauty" vendor-unknown Allium carolinianum "Rosy Beauty" vendor-unknown

Allium carolinianum 'Rosy Beauty'

Fuzzy pink alliums sparkle in spring, attract pollinators.

from $11.95

Allium stipitatum 'White Giant'

Globe-shaped, snow-white flowerheads spanning 8".

from $22.99


Certified Organic

Bright and potent green, delectable in the cooler months.

from $3.85

Bee Friendly Wildflower Mix Seed Shaker


Bird Lover's Wildflower Mix Seed Shaker


Bird Lover's Wildflower Seed Mix

Let this mix set seed for the birds to eat.

from $3.49

Black Beauty Poppy

Certified Organic

Single and double blooms in deep, dark tones.


Bloomsdale Spinach

Certified Organic

Heirloom among the best winter spinach varieties.

from $3.99

Bok Choy

Grows big and plentiful, a top stir-fry ingredient.

from $3.49

Breadseed Poppy Mix

Certified Organic

Brief beauty, long-lasting health.


Buckwheat Cover Crop Seed

Certified Organic

The perfect cover crop to sow after spring plantings are done.

from $4.39

Butterflay Spinach

Certified Organic

Huge tasty leaves resist bolting.

from $3.99

Camassia quamash (Wild Hyacinth)

Lovely Lavender Spires

from $4.49

Carmine King California Poppy

Rosy-fuchsia poppies with golden centers.

from $3.49

Cherry Belle Radish

Certified Organic

Little red radishes as versatile as they are delicious.

from $3.99

China Rose Winter Radish

Certified Organic

These beauties store well into the winter.

from $3.99

Chionodoxa forbesii

The sweetest star-shaped blooms of cornfllower blue and white.

from $4.99

Crimson Clover Cover Crop

Fix Nitrogen and Add Beauty.

from $5.39
