Di Ciccio Broccoli Seedlings

Certified Organic

Brassica oleracea

Old-fashioned Italian heirloom from the 1800s.

Before plant breeders began developing large, heavy headed hybrid broccoli plants for commercial growers, broccoli was a slightly slimmer, but still hardy, crop. All of our broccoli varieties are open-pollinated, best suited for home gardens and CSAs, and delicious. This variety has a growth habit in between Piracicaba and Calabrese. Central three-to-four inch blue-green florets develop at different times, giving a good staggered harvest. Leaves and stems are easily edible as well.


This item has sold out for pre-order. In-person shopping of seedlings is available at 11 Airport Road, Accord, NY, 12404, beginning August 5th, 2024.
4-pack of seedlings $5.49 Sold out for 2024 preorders.

Sow indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost, then transplant into fertile soil just after frost date. Harvest inner head promptly. Harvest the outer shoots every 2 days to keep them producing and to prevent flowering. Sow again 14-16 weeks before first fall frost for a sweet, long-lasting late crop.

Days to Germination 4 to 10 days
Days to Maturity 70 days
Planting Depth ¼ to ½ inch
Spacing in Row 12 to 24 inches
Spacing Between Rows 12 to 18 inches
Height at Maturity 24 to 36 inches
Width at Maturity 24 to 30 inches
Sun Preference Full to Partial Sun

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