Best Sellers
For your best garden yet, start here! Browse this collection for show-stopping blooms, high-yielding vegetables, and essential herbs.
Certified Organic
Boasts cold tolerance and high yields.
Certified Organic
A versatile perennial herb that attracts pollinators.
Certified Organic
Bright and potent green, delectable in the cooler months.
Certified Organic
Irresistible, unique, and pre-wrapped by mother nature!
Certified Organic
Beautiful and delicious arrangement of Genovese, Lemon, Cinnamon, Purple, and Thai Basils.
Where would we be(e) without bees?
Certified Organic
Edible and lovable blue blooms.
Certified Organic
Fodder, Faberge, and the Digital Age
Certified Organic
A bee-utiful mix of eye-catching striped cherry tomatoes.
Certified Organic
Let this opal, smoky tomato be the breakout star of your garden.
Certified Organic
Indispensable in Asian and Mexican cuisine.
Certified Organic
One of the best home garden carrots.
Certified Organic
This beloved kale variety is the sweetest of them all.
Certified Organic
A stately plant with drooping purple petals.
A scallion patch is easy to grow and useful nearly all year round.
Certified Organic
Classic basil for pesto boasts excellent flavor and quality.
Certified Organic
Aromatic flowers make soothing tea for all seasons.
Certified Organic
These striking red blooms make perfect presents.
Certified Organic
Standard flat-leaf variety grows long stems and robust leaves.
Jewel-hued edible flowers adorn 3'-long trailing vines.
A great mix for garden borders and beneficial bugs.
A fascinating mix of dark, intricately-shaped flowers
A classic flower of late summer, in a celestial blue tone.
Certified Organic
Sweet cherry tomatoes with a complex taste.